Basic Policy for Protection of Personal Information

OPERA Solutions Inc. (the “Company”) recognizes the importance of the rights and interests of individuals and has established the following personal information protection policy for the treatment of personal information, and all officers and employees of the Company will comply with this policy and make efforts to protect personal information.

Acquisition of Personal Information

The Company shall acquire personal information, such as information on individuals that can identify a specific individual by name, date of birth or other description contained in the information concerned, including information that can easily be collated with other information and thereby identify a specific individual, (“Personal Information”) in an appropriate and lawful manner.

Management of Personal Information

The Company will appropriately manage and securely protect Personal Information under the supervision of a personal information manager.
The Company will take all measures that are necessary and appropriate to prevent unauthorized access to Personal Information, or disclosure, loss, impairment and any other mistreatment of Personal Information.

Use of Personal Information

The Company will use Personal Information only within the scope of the purpose of use, except as otherwise approved by law or ordinance.
The Company will identify the purpose of use of Personal Information and notify or announce it to the individual concerned. If the Company obtains information directly from the individual in writing or otherwise, the Company will specify the purpose in advance.

Provision of Personal Information to Third Persons

The Company will not provide Personal Information to any third person without the prior consent of the individual concerned or unless authorized or approved by law or ordinance.

Request for Disclosure or other Treatment of Personal Information

If the individual concerned requests notification, correction or deletion, or other treatment of the Personal Information, the Company will respond to the request in an impartial and prompt manner.


The Company shall appoint a personal information manager to appropriately manage the Personal Information.
The Company shall conduct the necessary education and training to all officers and employees to comply with laws and ordinances related to Personal Information and this Basic Policy.
This Basic Policy will be posted on this website.

Complaints Regarding Personal Information

The Company will strive to respond to complaints regarding handling of Personal Information in an appropriate and prompt manner.

Inquiries about Personal Information

In the case of any complaint regarding handling of Personal Information by the Company, it can be made to the desk noted below.
In addition, if you receive a suspicious email or telephone in name of the Company, please let us know.

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OPERA Solutions Inc.